

Architecture of an E-Learning System with Embedded Authoring Support

In this paper we introduce an architecture for an e-learing system with an embedded authoring system. Based on the metaphor of a construction kit, this approach offers a general solution for specific content creation and publication. The learing resources are IMS Content Packages with a special structure to separate content and presentation. We call these packages Template Content Objects (TCO) which contain a template coded in XML and additional files for multimedia learning objects. They are similar to the SCORM Sharable Content Objects (SCO) and can be simply translated to them as well as combined to Content Aggregation Packages. These aggregated packages represent higher structures like lessons, chapters or complete courses. The developed authoring system consits of different authoring tools that handle TCOs. Every task in the process of learing object creation is done by experts which we modeled with the help of roles. The architecture is result of the math-kit project, a web based e-learining system that provides lecturers and students with multimedia support for central topics in undergraduate mathematics.